Find anything, quickly!
With Fusion you can search all your data and get relative results with sub-second performance.
Use google-esque search functionality with live-filtering to find exactly the case, client, document or contact you are looking for.
Fusion indexes everything; you’re no longer limited to searching by a code, name or address.

Digital Archiving
Fusion allows the combining of data and documents from multiple sources.
Archive all your clients, matters, contacts, case details, documents, financials and more into Fusion to provide a single data source and facilitate the decommissioning of old, legacy products.
Fusion will be a cornerstone of your Digital Transformation strategy.

Today GDPR Compliance is a key consideration for all companies. Fusion manages your data out of the
business in accordance with your data retention policies.
With all your workplace data in its core, Fusion helps facilitate Subject Access Requests.
All Fusion’s activity is logged and Data Portability is easily achieved via its RESTful web API.
Fusion’s secure core will only allow access to those with permission.