Testimonials 2

Businesses love Fusion

  • Paul Morris
    Maluma have some of the most talented developers I have had the pleasure of working with and hope to continue to work with in the future. If you want to push your IT to the next level, Maluma is the company for the job. Maluma's interpretation of requirements and technical knowledge across a huge range of programming languages is truly outstanding. Their employees are very honest, hardworking and really great to work with.
    Paul MorrisData & Analytics Senior Manager
    Bank of Ireland
  • Ed Mozley
    We have been using Maluma DataSync for a considerable time now and could not be happier with it. The software is written by experts who really understand the Progress database engine inside out and also have considerable expertise in the particular software (SOS) that we are using to build our data warehouse.
    Ed MozleyData & Applications Architect
    Bates Wells